You attract romantic love by enjoving this moment fully.
Like a good friend, the Romance Angels send you this card to tell you the truth: the best way to have more romance in your life is through attraction, rather than through strenuous effort. You are most attractive when you’re fully enjoying yourself in the present, Your joyful laughter, self-expression, and body language are beautiful! In contrast, any stress you experience as you strain to find romance pushes against the stream of life. Strain comes from a place of fear, with an underlying worry: “Maybe I won’t receive this!” That fear then attracts the very thing you worry about. Stress creates wrinkles, bodily tension, a constricted voice, and other unattractive characteristics. So, go smell a rose and fully enjoy its fragrant beauty. Allow yourself simple plea- sures that lead to great joy. Affirm frequently that you are loved and lovable. Visualize a wonderful romantic relationship with a great partner. Take excellent care of yourself and follow your inner guidance. Via the Law of Attraction, you’ll draw romantic love to you through your own attractive nature.
The Romance Angels are cheering you on in your quest for great love by letting you know that you deserve it. As a child of God, you’re naturally a loving and lovable person (as is everyone). You have the right to be treated with kindness and respect by everyone in your life. If you’ve had harsh life experiences, you may have blamed yourself and felt unworthy of receiving affection, This card is a reassurance that you do deserve it! You’re a beautiful being of God’s pure love and light, no matter what any person has said or done to you, and no matter what happened in the past. God’s handiwork can never be undone! The more you affirm, “I am lovable. I am loved. I am loving,” the more this experience comes true for you. Affirmations help you believe spiritual truths at a deep, unconscious level. This, in turn, allows you to attract lov- ing people, relationships, and circumstances. And you definitely deserve that!
Money and love have historically been linked, and this card points to this correla- tion. The Romance Angels want to disen- tangle you from financial or career pressures so that you may enjoy every aspect of your life… including romance. While work can be a source of heart- opening satisfaction, it must be balanced with other facets of love such as playfulness and laughter. You received this card because you’d benefit from an infusion of such lightheartedness. Call upon the angels to elevate your mood, energy levels, finances, career, and anything else that will bring you peace.
This card indicates that you’re protect- ing your heart from hurt because of painful relationship experiences. However, the angels can only bring as much romance as you’ll allow inside. If you have a shield around your heart, how is love to get in? A closed heart repels the sensitive partner you’re trying to attract. Following your inner guidance will protect you and simultaneously allow you to feel loved and loving. Trust your intuitive senses with respect to other people’s trustworthiness, and open your heart to those who are kind and gentle. Ask the angels to bring caring individuals (including a romantic partner) into your life, and they’ll do so … provided that you listen to and follow their guidance.
Your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment.
Congratulations! This card signals pend- ing nuptials, beginning with a romantic engagement. Even if you’re not presently in a relationship, the Romance Angels can see one upon your horizon. This card comes to you as reassurance- specifically so that you’ll choose to release any worries about whether you’ll get married because you will. Deep romantic love, in which you feel treasured, is “in the cards” for you. The deeper meaning of this card relates to commitment. First, you commit to taking care of yourself. You establish boundaries about what you will and won’t accept in your relationships and in other life areas, such as career, home, lifestyle, and so on. Next, you honor your self-commitment by taking decisive action and telling others how you truthfully feel about their behavior. As you commit to yourself, the universe sends you additional experiences of lov- ing commitment, including the promise of marriage.
The Romance Angels compassionately bring you this card as an answer to your relationship question. The person you’re inquiring about has many qualities that you find attractive. However, there’s not enough mutual attraction to create the passion you’re seeking. This relationship is more like a cat-and-mouse chase, with one partner continually retreating and disappearing.
Neither person enjoys this imbalance, and lack of chemistry is the reason. You may both share genuine love, which in itself can be a foundation for a long-term relationship. This card comes to you simply to help you understand the missing compo- nent, which you both can sense. Every relationship is a synergy of blended energies. You can’t completely con- trol the attraction factor, but you can over- ride and steer it. Sometimes painful child- hood experiences can draw you to unhealthy relationships, as you re-create the original situation in an attempt to heal it. You can ask the angels for guidance to help you elevate your spiritual frequencies so that you attract a partner of a similar nature. You deserve to be in a relationship of mutual appreciation and attraction, so it’s worth your time and effort to manifest one with these qualities.
The Romance Angels นำการ์ดใบนี้มาให้คุณเพื่อเป็นคำตอบสำหรับคำถามความสัมพันธ์ของคุณ
This card urges you to take the initiative in your love life! That may mean contacting someone to whom you’re attracted and ask- ing that person out on a date. It could also mean sending flowers, texts, or gifts to your beloved. As you express romance, these feelings pour through you. You actually become the biggest beneficiary of your romantic displays, as you enjoy how they make you feel to an even greater degree. The more you give love, the more you experience it. Of course, do make sure that you’re also open to receiving the love that comes to you from God, the angels, and other people.
The signs are cautioning you. The Romance Angels sent you this card to help you notice the unhealthy or discon- certing parts of your relationship. If you are Swept up in a new romance, this card serves as a cautionary warning. Pay attention to your feelings and impressions with regard to your new suitor. Don’t allow emotion to blind you to characteristics or habits that won’t work for you in a relationship.
A “red flag” is a sign that something is off. It can include an indication of dishonesty, disrespect, flirtatiousness with others, substance abuse, or lack of integrity While your new love interest may treat vou wonderfully well in the beginning of your relationship, it’s vital that you watch how he or she treats others. Someone’s basic character is revealed by the way in which he or she talks and acts with restaurant staff, valet- parking attendants, and other miscellaneous individuals. 11 If you’re in an existing relationship these red flags may signal a need for an hon- est mutual discussion, or couples counseling. This card doesn’t necessarily guide you to leave a relationship. Red flags can be mark- ers along the path of healing. The Romance Angels will guide you to take steps that are healthy for everyone involved, so do follow your intuition.
Allow this situation to unfold naturally. The Romance Angels have heard your prayers about your love life. Now, it’s up to you to allow their help to manifest by stepping out of their way. By trying to control other people or external circumstances, you’ll only frustrate yourself and slow down your answered prayer. There are plenty of times in life that call for you to take charge, but this isn’t one of them. Of course, it’s fine to have your pref- erences, practice visualizations, and hold intentions.
Definitely ask the angels for your desires! This card is a reminder, however, that your prayer may be answered differently from what you had in mind. Be open to all pos- sibilities and trust in God’s infinite wisdom and compassionate love. Control issues are based upon fears that others (including God) won’t live up to your expectations. This is also called “outlining,” where you hand the universe a script of how you want it and everyone to behave. Outlining could cause you to overlook an even more beautiful way in which your prayers may be answered. So, please call upon the Romance Angels to elevate your levels of trust so that you can enjoy the creative avenues by which true comes to you.