The person or situation that you’re asking about is multifaceted, like a gemstone. That means that there are many different sides to consider. There isn’t one plain truth here, but several, which could create con- tradictions, inconsistencies, and confusion. You’ll need to be honest with yourself about whether these differ- ences are acceptable or upsetting to you. If you’re asking about a certain person, this card is a sign of a complicated and unpredictable relationship. Some may consider this exciting, while others find it to contain too much drama. Most people have layers to them, and as long as the other person is behaving ethically and with integrity, you may benefit from this relationship. Again, it’s a matter of being honest about your likes and dislikes. If your question is about a specific situation, this card is a sign that there’s no single right answer. Some- times this is because freewill choices are currently shap- ing the outcome, and nothing has been predetermined. In SI this card means that it’s for interpretation dn some cases, whether or not this is a positive situation, according to individual tastes and preferences. All in all, being comfortable with ambiguity and an undetermined future is an opportunity for you to be the director of you to be the your own unfolding movie masterpiece. You and likeness of the Creator, so were made in the you can create a wonderful present and future!